History of FIBC Bags and its popularity today

If you have a business requiring the use of FIBC Bags, this blog will help you get a brief understanding of the History and use of FIBC Bags. What is an FIBC Bag ? FIBC ( Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers ) Bags are also known as Jumbo Bags or Bulk Bags. For storing and transporting dry and free-flowing materials, for example, Plastics, Cement, Clay, Fertilizers, etc, FIBC Bags are used. FIBC Bags can be carried by hand or can also be looped on to a crane to transport it anywhere. How much do you know about the FIBC Bags? Take a ride as under and enjoy the information. Bulk Bags or FIBC Bags were first manufactured in the late 1950s or early 1960s. In the 1970s, FIBCs ‘ popularity increased dramatically, especially in Europe as a result of the global oil crisis. It is known that during the above-mentioned period, FIBCs were produced in the United States, Europe, and Japan. During that time, FIBCs were made of PVC rubber and used to transport ...