Types of FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers) Packaging Solutions

FIBC bags also called big bags or jumbo bags are typically used across various industries to store or transport dry bulk goods We are a packaging solution provider who can offer numerous options which cater to your specific customized packaging requirement. Having said that, here are some of the FIBC packaging solutions that you can choose from: 1) 1 & 2 LOOP FIBC Bags These bags are cost-effective and produced using single tubular fabric. These offer users the benefit of a higher breaking strength courtesy its design wherein the body-fabric has been extended into a lifting loop. These bags can also be equipped with an inner liner that ensures that items carried in the bag remain clean and dry. They are a great pick for the agricultural sector wherein they can be used to store and carry grains and fertilizers; they are also used for storing and transporting other items such as powder and minerals. 2) 4 LOOP FIBC Bags Th...